​​Our Work

​​​​All Kids Alliance offers collective impact coaching

-in all sectors 
-in all communities ready for change 
-in all fundamental elements of collective impact

We meet interested partners where they are to maximize local assets. Utilizing our All Kids Alliance Framework adapted from the Strive Th​eory of Action and local lessons learned we coach communities on infrastructure, process, and achieving results!​​

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All Kids Alliance offers organizations and communities supportive services through

     -Comprehensive Coaching for robust Collective Impact partnerships, from start-up to sustainability.

     -Introductory Workshops for social sector and business organizations interested in learning about Collective Impact.

     -Differentiation Workshops for coalitions interested in comparing their infrastructure and processes to the fundamentals of Collective Impact.

     -Alignment Workshops for agencies (not part of Collective Impact initiatives) that want to adjust their practices and programming to fundamentals in Collective Impact.​​